Light Work

Awakening the Power of Intention (Part 1)

As human beings we were uniquely created and crafted with a “Divine intelligence” that really provides us with the power of “free-will” and “choice” to direct and shape our lives. But if we have access to this incredible power, then why is it that so many people remain stuck in old patterns, and continue to keep re-creating dis-empowering situations that keep them separated from their highest and greatest good?

So today I want to share with you the first part of 10 key principles and insights for How to Awaken the Power of Intention – the ability to direct and shape your thoughts to create what you really want in your life.

Now a lot has been written about this very topic over the last few years, especially when we consider that now even science through the field of quantum physics and mechanics has started to provide tangible evidence that “thoughts are things”. That we literally have the potential to shape our own worlds and our own beings. That at the heart of our highest intentions resides the potential and possibility to create and bring about miracles in our everyday lives.

In fact if you are alive, and above ground today, then there is a good chance that within you resides a powerful soul purpose and path, a higher reason for being. A purpose and path that is unique to you. And just as your soul longs to grow and experience the fullness and completeness of it’s being, so to you have been wired to use your ‘intent’, ‘desire’ and ‘will’ as tools to elevate your personal consciousness and to create and fulfil your soul’s highest work and purpose.

So Why Is This Important Right Now?

So why is this important right now?

Well I believe that we are really on the forefront of some major transformational change in our world today. In fact if you’re listening to this program or reading it on the blog then you’re also part of this exciting shift in consciousness, or as author Malcolm Gladwell refers to it as “The Tipping Point”.

It’s a moment in our planet’s evolution where more and more people are opening up to the possibility, that maybe, just maybe they have within themselves the power to shape the world. Not through force, through ego, or through domination, but through the power of love, and the willingness to make a difference in the world, and lead a life of significance.

In fact many of the problems that we experience in our world today, bullying, depression, lack of purpose, poverty, sickness, dis-ease at some level have their symbolic cause within the consciousness of humanity.

Could you imagine what it would be like if just for one day every person in the world was able to transcend the consciousness or belief structures of poverty, fear, frustration, low-self-esteem or hurt? To instead see, experience, feel and allow a world of abundance, faith, peace, self-confidence and self-love?

If every thought creates. And if our lives are truly the message that we share with the world each day, then the transformation to a more empowered, fulfilled, happy and successful life begins within each and every one of us right now…

And the good news is that harnessing your own ability to Awaken The Power of Intention is the key to opening up your highest and greatest potential.

Why Are Some People Unable to Create Their Ideal Lives?

The problem is that many people a this time in our world are actually afraid of accepting their power and presence to create and shape their world. For if they were to truly own this, then they would have to accept that many of the problems and challenges, stress and struggles that they create have actually been co-created with themselves. This takes great courage and strength to admit. On the other side, owning your presence and power to create your world means also accepting the responsibility for using this power with grace, love and respect. For many people there is fear of misusing this gift, the fear of failure, and the fear of being led astray in its use by the ego. In the same way that once Luke Skywalker learned to ‘use the force’ he was also more susceptible to the power of the dark side.

Your intention in each moment, in each hour and each day is always important. Without intention there is no direction. And without direction there is stagnation, lack of purpose and an absence of inspiration.

When you pay attention to your heart. When you are willing to listen to its calling of you for a greater more purposeful life. Then you open yourself up to truly knowing what it means to be alive.

So use your intention to create experiences, opportunities and events in your life that fill you with aliveness. Surround yourself with people that share this same vision and aspiration. Most of all do not be afraid to say ‘no’ to those people, places and situations that may see you being taken off-track. You will know and experience these situations in your gut. But because you have been given free-will – you alone must decide and learn how to act when you get these inner-messages of guidance from your soul, intuition and spirit.

The more you learn to trust and follow your soul’s highest good – the more you will realise that the inner thoughts, present in your inner world – also powerfully transform your outer world.

Shaping Our World

So how do we know if all this ‘thought creation’ and ‘conscious creation’ really works?

While whole study of intention is not new. In recent years there have been some fascinating books and research conducted by numerous people in the fields of psychology, sociology, science and the psychic and meta-physical domains. Especially on the ability of thought to impact and change matter.

One great experiment that I love was conducted by French researcher Rene Peoch of the foundation ODIER in France.

Peoch had noticed that young baby chicks once born immediately ‘imprinted’ themselves and formed a strong energetic connection with their mother hen, often following the hen around the pen continuously. So in his experiment he decided to replace the mother hen with a robotic version, that was simply controlled by a random number generator, and would change and shift direction randomly. After placing the new born chicks in the pen, the young chicks soon imprinted to the robot and began to follow it around the pen.

Amused by this discovery Peoch took the experiment one step further and this time separated the baby chicks into a caged pen, while still allowing the robotic hen to navigate the open yard. To his amazement he discovered that the robot seemed to spend the majority of its time in the ½ of the pen closer to the chicks cage. What he presided from this experiment, was that some level the intent and imprinting of the chicks was so strong that simply their energetic connection, had some influence over the random number generator and was able to influence the machine to their benefit.

Many of you listening today may be familiar with the work of Japanese researcher Dr Masauro Emoto, who had different subjects project thoughts ranging from “I hate you” to “I love you” over water. Once these water samples were frozen and Dr Emoto studied the crystal formations under powerful microscopes and was amazed to find that water that was infused with loving thoughts actually formed perfect, harmonious crystals, while those that were infused with angry or negative thought became fragmented and broken.

Personally, I remember almost 20 years ago when I had discovered the book “The Secret Life of Plants” by Christopher Bird, and I decided to run my own little thought experiment.

So I bought two identical indoor-plants from a local nursery and for one of them I named it the “happy plant” and for the other I named it the “sad plant”. I continued to look after them both in the same way, yet to the happy plant I would continue to send it thoughts of joy, happiness and love and be delighted to feed it. After no more than a month there was complete difference in the plant growth with the “happy plant” shooting way above the growth of the other.

Happy with my result so far, I decided to push the boundaries of the experiment further, and now started to project a simple thought to the “sad plant” where I just imagined its branches being cut. Surprisingly no more than 3 days later when I went to water the plants I noticed that some of the stems on the “sad plant” were completely bent at 90 degree angles – like someone had squashed them on purpose.

If you’re really interested in finding out more about these types of intention experiments, then I strongly recommend reading Lynn McTaggart’s great book “The Intention Experiment, where she shares some of the findings from her global studies where hundreds of people around the world projected their thoughts in order to see if they could shape or alter the energy, structure and formation of physical phenomena.

So in our next blog post and podcast episode I’ll be sharing with you 10 key strategies you can implement today to embrace, activate, engage and Awaken The Power of Intention in your life.

So stay tuned to this channel!

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