heaven on earth angel

Archangel Michael and Living with Faith

Have you ever felt the presence of a Divine force? A loving energy?

A spiritual connection where you just know, trust and believe, that deep in your heart you are protected, safe and guided at all times?

The reason I ask is because just yesterday I was doing a reading for a client, and half-way through our session I felt the magnificent presence of an amazing and resplendent angel standing behind her. After a little further conversation we soon identified that it was in fact Archangel Michael – the divine protector, who had stepped in to share his love and desire for a greater sense of faith, belief and confidence.

As I was contemplating the session afterwards, I felt Archangel Michael wanting to impress upon me the power that true faith has to shape our lives.

So today in this short Podcast and Blog update I wanted to share some of the insights that followed on from experiencing the incredible strength, love and compassion that Michael has for all human beings, especially at this time as we all seek to raise our own consciousness, but also the consciousness of our planet.

The 4 Key Messages of Archangel Michael

Insight #1:

It’s not important what you have faith in …
As long as you have faith in something

The angels know that as soul’s on this journey we will be confronted by situations and events that may cause us to feel ungrounded, to lose our footing, to release trust in the divine plan for our lives. While each of us has events that will manifest as part of our destiny, each of us also has been given the gift of free choice.

However it is in the moments of your greatest uncertainty, that we need to ask to what, and to whom to we give away our power, our presence, our peace?

I felt Michael’s message was simple: Each of us is always loved, guided and protected because we are an extension of the Divine, and extension of God. It is only in the moments that we lose sight of this that our smaller ego’s are left to dwell in the fear, the chaos, the instability and uncertainty of fear.

Is it any wonder then that Elizabeth Gilbert in her best-selling book Eat Pray Love, only discovered a deep connection to God and the Divine on the bathroom floor when she was in the midst of the darkest night of her soul – after a relationship breakdown.

Is it any wonder that best-selling author Debbie Ford discovered her faith in God and the Divine also in total exasperation, while on bended knee in the bathroom of a drug rehabilitation centre, after several failed attempts.

I think Marianne Williamson, author of The Gift of Change, and A Return to Love says it best when she quotes A Course in Miracles:

“It’s only when we reach the extent of what we can do,
that we truly discover the power of what God can do”

While the angels acknowledge that our journey on the Earth plane is not always easy, it is our faith in believing in the invisible, and trusting in an intelligence that is greater than ourselves that will see us find peace again.

After all the same intelligence that moves the planets through the universe, that allows the sun to rise, the stars to shine, that moves the tides in and out, and that allows your heart to beat without even having to think about it – is also present in you right now.

Insight # 2:

Begin to See and Know Yourself Beyond the
Confines of Your Own Body

Your true spirit is immortal. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Yet so many people define their presence by the extent of their own physical body. You are in fact much more than that. Your consciousness can extend and embrace your whole country, your whole world, your whole universe.

When you perceive yourself as a limited being you allow a limited life. When you perceive yourself as an infinite being, you allow infinite possibilities to present. Is this really not the basis for creating miracles in your everyday life?

After all, a miracle is a change in perception from fear to love. And faith is the bridge that allows us to make this fundamental, and desperately needed shift.

Insight # 3:

Faith implies action. Faith also implies the willingness to fail.

True faith in oneself, or even a greater power, must be preceded by action. It is through trusting ourselves, our inner-tuition (intuition) and taking guided action in each moment that we move closer to living, creating and breathing our ideal lives with ease.

However ever action contains within it the seed of accomplishment and failure. Which is why in our moments of greatest fear, we also have the greatest potential for success.

Australian actor and Broadway legend Hugh Jackman said it recently when interviewed for Inside the Actors Studio. Every great actor needs to embrace the fear that their performance on stage, or on camera, in front of an audience will ‘bomb’. Only when they are able to accept that, and know that it can happen, will they truly be able to move through the fear, to embrace the faith, and draw from within themselves the courage to not just be excellent, but to be outstanding.

Insight # 4:

Just Stop. Ask. And Listen.

As I contemplated Archangel Michael’s energy there were three words that seemed to continuously come from him, as guidance for we human souls who are confronted with our day-to-day problems and challenges. Those words … Stop. Ask. Listen.

Simple as they sound, too many of us run around like the proverbial ‘headless chook’ looking for answers outside of ourselves. Faith implies trust. Trust implies Belief. Belief directs Focus. Focus brings Intention. And Intention creates Results.

So next time you find yourself feeling uncertain. Just try Archangel Michael’s ‘30 Second Solution’.

  1. Stop where you are
  2. Sit down or stand and close your eyes
  3. Breath in divine white light into your entire body
  4. Breath out and release all concerns, worries and fears
  5. Call in Michael’s energy to surround you in his beautiful wings
  6. And just say…  ‘I am loved. I am whole. This moment is in divine perfection. There is nothing, nothing I need fear or want. For in this moment I am one with the divine. In this moment all my needs are met instantaneously. In this moment I am being guided to true action in the highest and perfect way.’
  7. ŸThen Ask: Archangel Michael  “ What do I need to do or not do, start or stop, change or not change to enjoy a happier, more fulfilling and wonderful life in this moment?”
  8. Then just Listen

So in closing I’d like to leave you with a great little affirmation that I found in international medium and intuitive, Collette Baron-Reid’s great book “Messages from Spirit”.

Faith is seeing the invisible. 
Believing in the incredible.
And receiving the impossible.

So just remember. True faith is born out of action. When you trust in yourself – you trust in spirit. When you trust in spirit – you trust in the divine.

When you trust in the divine then you open the door for God to breathe miracles into your life!


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